Day LIght Saving time

 Daylight savings time. Fall back spring forward. Why?  It was a concept caught up by Benjamin Franklin in the 1700s while he was partying in France.  They didn’t like it then. We don’t like it now.  It took someone completely different and 100 years to get it implemented.  

Brief History:

First thought of by Benjamin Franklin in 1784.  – But tossed aside. 

Revisited by the British in 1907. 

Not implemented by the British until 1918 under great resistance.  It seems they didn’t like it then either, but it was WWI.

The US Congress abolished DST after WWI and again after WWII in 1945.

Only implemented in 1966 in the US because of the energy shortage.   


I think we’re good, we can end this now. 

The theory is that it was for the farmers and that it would somehow save us money.  I hate to tell you city people, but cows come home when cows come home. They don’t have watches they can’t tell time. Changing the time does not matter to them.  Cows, sheep, pigs, and all other animals are very in tune with their Arcadian rhythms and go off the sunlight.  So, there’s no reason to change the time of day for them.  It just fucks up the humans.  

The more plausible explanation is school children standing at the bus stop.  With the time change, it is not dark when they are waiting for the morning bus.  Ummmmm… hello streetlamps. Apparently, it is ok for them to have sports practice, play, and walk home from their friend’s house after dark.  But not wait for the bus in the morning.

Has anyone ever woken up and said oh yay goody goody it’s time to lose an hours’ worth of sleep?  Or happy happy joy joy now it’s going to be dark when I go to work and come home.   The idea was unpopular then too, especially with farmers. Daylight Saving Time meant they had less time in the morning to get their milk and harvested crops to market.  We don’t like this we don’t need this why is this still a thing?  

It has been proven that energy rates are lower when there is more sun.  There is less crime and fewer traffic accidents.  So why do we ever switch back?  If it saves so much money on energy bills for 7 to 8 months out of the year why not keep it all year around?  Why “Fall Back”?  The actual time is fine.  Just stop changing it. 

Does it save that much energy over the LED lightbulb?  How does falling back in the fall make any sense then? All the energy that was saved with more daylight during the summer is lost with less daylight in the winters and now it’s dark at 4 o’clock instead of 5 o’clock.  That’s an hour more of having the lights on in the evening.  Having the sun up earlier when people are sleeping helps no one.

Who gets up that hour early just to see the sun come up?  It would make more sense if in the winner we got to get out of work an hour early to save energy costs at home and so that we could drive the rush-hour traffic in daylight.

Arizona did DST from 1966 to 1968.  To them having an extra hour of daylight meant running their air conditioning longer and using more energy.  They ended this nonsense quickly.  Hawaii never went on daylight savings time.  Indiana didn’t implement it statewide until 2005. 

How does something so wildly unpopular continue to exist?  The Macarena had less airtime. 

It has been quietly on the ballot in several states to quit changing the clocks.  However, it is so quiet that no one knows to vote for it.  But everyone knows to bitch about it.
