Lessons from Man's best Friend


Life has gone to the dogs. But since dogs have been “man's best friend” since almost the beginning of time, maybe that is a good thing.  It is after all our best friends that keep us in line. They tell us the truth, sometimes brutally, and they are the ones that always have their backs. Our best friends are our best friends because we count on them the most when we need them the most.

So, it makes sense that life going to humanity’s lifelong best friend for millennia is a good thing.  We just have to remember the lessons they are teaching us and follow their lead.  

Bruno is a two-year-old pug.   Through a strange set of circumstances, I came to acquire him about six weeks ago.   I needed a reason to get off my butt and go for a walk.   I needed to remind myself to stay present and stop worrying about things I cannot control or lamenting the past and things I cannot change.   Also, I needed a good reason to not sleep until noon every day.   Hence, I now have Bruno.

My alarm still goes off at the same time that it always did but now I have to get up. It doesn't matter if I woke up five minutes before, or an hour before, maybe the alarm woke me up. No matter what, all I wanna do is turn it off, roll over, and go back to sleep for several more hours.   But not my dog.  Of course, he hears the alarm as well.  At my door, a cute little nose, tail-wagging, with floppy ears perked ready to start his day.   Who couldn't resist that face?  He gets breakfast, I get my coffee, and life is good.

I know there are morning people that truly do like getting up with the sun, but even they do not wake up consistently, wagging their tails, and are happy to be alive.  Even morning people hit the snooze and roll over now and then.  But we are alive and if nothing else goes right, the rest of the day we have that.   

Breakfast is followed by playtime and a walk.   What a perfect way to start your day. A little bit of fun.  Not a frenzied dash through the house only to sit in a traffic jam.  A little bit of fun and a non-strenuous walk around the neighborhood.  Say hello to all the people/dogs/ animals we meet along the way.    A walk in the great outdoors for sniffing trees, dogs barking, walking in circles for no apparent reason, and staring at objects no one else can see.  A stress-free way to start the day and get general satisfaction for whatever may come next.    

This walk happens whether I want to or not.  Like all good friends, even when we don't feel like it, they remind us and make us do what we should.   Unless of course, it is raining. Bruno hates the rain. Even best friends have their limits.

Bruno gets a morning nap, and I try to get some work done.   Before we know it, it is lunchtime.  Despite all my efforts, I must stop for lunch.  Nap time is over, and more belly rubs with ear scratches are required.  After all, all work and no play makes for a stressful day.  Working from home, sometimes we forget to stand up, walk away from our desks, and stop looking at all the screens. 

He may only be a dog, but he knows his needs and his wants.  He knows what he likes and doesn’t.  He is very good at communicating his desires.  Water, food, play time, outside, nap, whatever it is he needs.  How many of us can say the same? 

The afternoon would not be complete without another nap, chew toys, and mischief. What day is complete without fun, a break in the routine, and a different perspective?   

Bedtime.  A day spent being totally in the moment.  A day focused on what truly matters.  A day being completely, unapologetically me.   That makes for a good day.  Bruno is a dog.  He is always true to himself, his needs, and his wants without being selfish.  Dogs are humans’ best friends.  They stay true to themselves while giving their all to others.  They are teaching us we need to follow their lead.
